Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Summer Nights

This time of year brings a succession of the dullest of dull Oregon days. I become consumed by thoughts of summer. I'm already planning my summer veggie garden, which starts the day dreaming about warm summer nights. (Oh those su-ummer nights. Tell me more).

So, if you live in a cold, dark winter climate like me, you'll enjoy these fab photos of sunny outdoor spaces. Grab some coconut oil and breath it in.

This is where I really want to be right now.

Just a fun place for a party.

How's this for bringing the indoors out?

What? There's just something weird about this one.

I can just see myself here with drink in hand, surrounded by my best girlfriends.

Can't you just feel yourself relax here while the kids run around?

I'm a sucker for furniture made from natural wood. I'm liking the stacked stone lamp, too.

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