Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I don't usually ask this, but...why?

Design Star Videos

The question has been asked, and I've pondered…Why do I want to be on Design Star?

(Remember Sparkle Josh? I will never look at a tan wall without thinking “That’s the exact color of spray on tan.”)

I’m not a competitive person, or am I? I don’t like team sports, but I do set a high bar for myself. I am competitive with myself and always want to do better and try something more difficult.

I’ve heard many people say that they couldn’t handle the competition part of the show. Many bloggers critique the show saying that there’s too much competition and not enough design.

I don’t think the show really is about good design. I don't watch it to be inspired. That’s not the true appeal of a competition show. I’m already a good designer, and I love the competition aspect of the show.

It's the same reason I watch Project Runway. I do love to see their creative process. It's interesting, because it's a different medium than my usual. But, the show's not entirely about who makes the best clothes.

(Sometimes it’s about the challenges. I love when they use art as inspiration. But, I just love Heidi.)

Going way back to the very first episode of Survivor, I was intrigued by the concept. I thought, “What a great social experiment.” And, it has turned into a phenomenon.

(Boston Rob is a Survivor staple.)

I watch a lot of reality tv, but all of them are competition shows. Does this mean that I am a competitive person? I think I just like a challenge.

I also like social/corporate politics. Well, like isn’t the right word. I think it’s a fascination. I love “playing the game.” I think that’s what it’s really about for me.

I love games. It’s about strategy, creative thinking and observation. Each time you play a game it’s different.

Being on Design Star would give me the chance to be a live pawn in my very own board game. Hmm, I love that idea! So, that’s what Design Star means to me.

(Could I be so lucky as to live the Design Star game?)

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