Monday, January 24, 2011

Inspiration Point

The point is, we don't design in a vacuum. Great ideas are inspired by what we see, feel and do every day.

Over the past few days, I've had a number of encounters related to energy. For example, I stumbled into a fab conversation with a feng shui expert, watched the movie Men Who Stare At Goats and scheduled a time to select a personal stone.

So today's Inspiration Point is: the rainbow (If you don't get it, read on.) From it we can derive shape and color, but there's so much more.

One of the most powerful tools a designer has is intuition. Today's Inspiration Point came intuitively, but I had to do some research about it's meaning. Here's some info on the symbolism of the rainbow.

Rainbow Dream Meaning

Psychological Meaning: The rainbow symbolises good news, hope, redemption and the ending of gloom. Since the sun can be a symbol of the self, it is also associated with the magical quest for the treasure of self-knowledge. The rainbow is a bridge between heaven and earth, between your earthly self and your higher enlightened self.

Mystical Meaning: The gypsies say that to dream of a brightly coloured rainbow means a happy change is coming. If the colours become dull there will be a deterioration in your circumstances.(Source:

Spiritual Symbolism

One of the greatest spiritual pioneers of the western world, Emanuel Swedenborg, readily recognised the universal importance or light. To use his term, it corresponds to the inner awakening of enlightenment caused by the shining light inherent in truth and wisdom dispelling the darkness of doubt and despair. (Source:

Native American Symbol

The Navajo believe that the rainbow is the bridge between the spirit and human worlds.(Source:

Rainbow in The Bible

In the Bible, the rainbow is a symbol of the covenant between God and man. It is a symbol of God’s promise after the Flood to not destroy humankind again. In addition, Christ is sometimes shown enthroned on a rainbow at the Last Judgment. The rainbow demonstrates His heavenly power and mercy.(Source:

Greek Mythology

There is also Iris, who is the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the Gods in Greek mythology. (Source:

My Favorite

Now go out there and make some magic!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Regional Color Palettes

Lately, I've noticed that my projects trend toward dark, warm colors. I love looking at photos of spaces that are light, airy, and white. So, I wondered why don't I get to design that way?

It made me realize that there really are regional preferences in the use of color.

This graphic shows results of a Sherwin-Williams survey and confirms my hypothesis.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I'm a fairly private person. Does that work in today's social-network-obsessed society?

I do have a blog, but I don't think even my friends even know I have one. I do this for myself. It's like a journal. One with pictures and no lock. It's like a baby step toward being exposed to the world.

Definition of EXPOSED from

1: open to view

2: not shielded or protected

Sometimes we all feel a little exposed.

I've been thinking a lot about this since applying for Design Star. Being on a reality show certainly makes one exposed, and there's no hiding from it.

I like the use of exposed elements in design, so I collected these images to help me warm up to the idea of being exposed.

Exposed bricks provide excellent light and shadow effects.

A little exposed rock makes a very cool dining cave.

Lovely exposed trusses.

The bolts and fasteners on this chair add to the design.

A beautiful glass globe shows off exposed bulbs.

The colored wires add whimsy to the exposed bulbs.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Summer Nights

This time of year brings a succession of the dullest of dull Oregon days. I become consumed by thoughts of summer. I'm already planning my summer veggie garden, which starts the day dreaming about warm summer nights. (Oh those su-ummer nights. Tell me more).

So, if you live in a cold, dark winter climate like me, you'll enjoy these fab photos of sunny outdoor spaces. Grab some coconut oil and breath it in.

This is where I really want to be right now.

Just a fun place for a party.

How's this for bringing the indoors out?

What? There's just something weird about this one.

I can just see myself here with drink in hand, surrounded by my best girlfriends.

Can't you just feel yourself relax here while the kids run around?

I'm a sucker for furniture made from natural wood. I'm liking the stacked stone lamp, too.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I don't usually ask this, but...why?

Design Star Videos

The question has been asked, and I've pondered…Why do I want to be on Design Star?

(Remember Sparkle Josh? I will never look at a tan wall without thinking “That’s the exact color of spray on tan.”)

I’m not a competitive person, or am I? I don’t like team sports, but I do set a high bar for myself. I am competitive with myself and always want to do better and try something more difficult.

I’ve heard many people say that they couldn’t handle the competition part of the show. Many bloggers critique the show saying that there’s too much competition and not enough design.

I don’t think the show really is about good design. I don't watch it to be inspired. That’s not the true appeal of a competition show. I’m already a good designer, and I love the competition aspect of the show.

It's the same reason I watch Project Runway. I do love to see their creative process. It's interesting, because it's a different medium than my usual. But, the show's not entirely about who makes the best clothes.

(Sometimes it’s about the challenges. I love when they use art as inspiration. But, I just love Heidi.)

Going way back to the very first episode of Survivor, I was intrigued by the concept. I thought, “What a great social experiment.” And, it has turned into a phenomenon.

(Boston Rob is a Survivor staple.)

I watch a lot of reality tv, but all of them are competition shows. Does this mean that I am a competitive person? I think I just like a challenge.

I also like social/corporate politics. Well, like isn’t the right word. I think it’s a fascination. I love “playing the game.” I think that’s what it’s really about for me.

I love games. It’s about strategy, creative thinking and observation. Each time you play a game it’s different.

Being on Design Star would give me the chance to be a live pawn in my very own board game. Hmm, I love that idea! So, that’s what Design Star means to me.

(Could I be so lucky as to live the Design Star game?)

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Blast From the Past

Here are some photos from a project for which I specified accessories. I worked with a very talented team of designers to plan this Nevada hotel's remodel.

I spec'd those reading lamps.

Don't ya just love the colors and textures?

Friday, January 14, 2011

The 5-Minute Audition Video

What do you do when you have a dream?

Try, try again...and again, and again, and again.

Here's the final 5-Minute Audition Video.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tile Backsplash Inspiration

Today, I'm shopping for tile to go in a bathroom update.


Now that I've found some wonderful inspiration, I hope that I can find something great!