Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wonder Why Your House Isn’t Selling? - The Three P’s

The Three P's: Property, Price, and Presentation

What can you do when your house has been on the market for months with no sale? It may seem like all has failed, but consider the Three P's as a formula you can tweek to achieve the results you want.


There’s only so much you can do about the property itself (which includes location, location, location). It is stuck in the current neighborhood, for better or worse. The basic footprint, size, and configuration are probably there to stay since you’ve decided to sell.


By now you have probably analyzed the comps with your realtor and know you’ve priced fairly. There are a number of different strategies you can take, but this is basically a given unless you want to give the house away.


First, there is the physical presentation, meaning how the house looks during a showing. Second, the virtual presentation, or how the house looks in the marketing materials. Your house should not only show well live, but also in the photos.

How the home is presented is where you have the most flexibility. It’s about staging to full advantage. There is so much you can do for a little cash or elbow grease that will improve on this part of the home selling equation.

So if your house isn’t selling, take a look at each of these categories. Is anything missing from the equation? What variables can you play with? What can you do to improve or strengthen the value in each category? Consult with local professionals, realtors, stagers, inspectors, etc. for expert advice. They’ll steer you in the right direction, and who knows it could even result in a sale.

Remember, there’s only one chance to make a first impression. Make sure buyers are impressed even before they walk through the door. Make sure you do all you can to achieve the results you want.

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