Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is Upstage Home Staging?

We help houses sell quickly and profitably, because a staged home can sell up to 30% faster than a non-staged home. The use of proven techniques will attract buyers.

For example:

  • Pocket of Emotion – allows a buyer to bond with the home and remember it later.
  • Furniture Placement – the furniture arrangement determines how the buyer views the home.

A professional home stager is like an encyclopedia of home staging techniques. Even a home that shows fine and is well kept by the homeowner can benefit from staging. Because how we live in the home is different from how the home should show to buyers.

It’s like Retail 101. When a house is for sale, it’s a product. It needs to be packaged and marketed, just like all those items on store shelves.

Let’s face it with so many properties on the market today, it’s difficult for buyers to remember individual houses. Especially when they look at 10 in one weekend! A home stager will ensure that your house stands out in the crowd.

That’s what we call, Upstaging the Competition!

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